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I Have Been To The Pub ...

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sunny-dave | 21:59 Wed 20th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
... good innit?


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nudge, nudge, wink and sink.....
My wife and I haven't had sex for over a year yet she's 3 months pregnant.

Which begs the question....

How *** slow do my sperm swim?

Ask Jeeves...
Across the ocean?
He writes some lovely letters....
Old Golden Hen is quite a new beer, first being brewed in 2011.
It is aimed at the Lager crowd. It is made using Tasmanian hops which give it its light colour and zesty light taste.

I've had a few of these int' Spoons this year and is good for a summers day. I expect it will be quite seasonal, and won't be selling as much in winter.
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I switched to Abbot for the last pint - much more full bodied and a 'year round' beer.
dave,,, did you have 2 pints ? :0.
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Three and a bit, anne :)
oh,,,,,,,,,,,,you're a wild one :)

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I Have Been To The Pub ...

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