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What've you done that you're proud of?

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whiskeysheri | 21:56 Fri 07th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
... and why? x


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Im an FCCA ...qualified accountant. im pretty cr4p at exams but after many resits I can call myself a professionally qualified accountant.

It looks better on paper than my actual career as it stands at the moment as Im not earing a fortune...but who cares...I started at 16 on a YTS (youth traing scheme...not sure what the eqiuvalent is these days)..basically started at the very bottom.

Far more intelligent people than me that Ive worked with over the years have failed to that makes me feel good.

If you meet me at the AB party you wud not think I had letters after my name.
Wooohhoooooo Im the 1st to answer your question.

Keep these questions coming Wiskey... they are great and 99.9% of the peops on AB agree with me.

ive seen AB Suggestions threads and commented on you and your brill questions
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I saw, thank you Zorro. It's nice to feel appreciated xxx
youre our pack leader,

These are the things Im proud of+.... my kids and the stuff I have taught them, Being a ACE Certified Personal Trainer, being a edvanced PADI diver, Being a tattoo (drawer) , Being a good runner, Being very caring and helpfull to my friends and family, Being a traveler, Being a hip-hop and Belly dancer/performer, Being able to sew and design clothing and belly belts, Being able to write childrens storys and Iam right now working on a healthy cook book.. And I think thats about it.. Im proud of lots of big and little things..

So ya, thats about it.. Im just happy to be here haha


Hey ,this sound like a qouestion from the Scientology courses I have been on.
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mika16, no offence if you are, but I'm not into anything Scientologisty (probably not a word). Just interested in my new friends. It was pretty much all happy Q's on Thursday x
mika16 seems to have put the same line on a few threads
i was very proud of myself when i passed the test to become a member of Mensa
I passed the test to become a member of "Densa"
This is gonna sound so naff, but i am so proud to have the wife i have, I am in my late 50s and got married at 24, and can honestly say No regrets, told you it would sound naff didn't I.!!!

I am proud that I have given birth to two gorgeous children. I am also proud that I manage a residential home for Adults with Learning Disabilities. x

I am a very proud mum and everything else I have achieved pales into insignificance.Some ABers will know I have had serious problems with my daughter but we've come through it and we never leave each other without a kiss and an I love you.Never thought I would see the day.I now have two well rounded and grounded children and they make my life complete.
I once dated a married a woman (!)
I mean i once dated a married woman (!)
have u been drinkin already Alfie
Give Alfie a coconut or a conscience:)

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What've you done that you're proud of?

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