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Buenchico | 01:00 Fri 19th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
For anyone who appreciates great photography (or just the wonders of the universe):
(Click the 'Play'button)


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Great video Chris - thanks!
Wow! :-) Thanks for sharing :-)
Question Author
Thanks, Ann & BS.

The only problem with seeing photographs like those is that they make me want to give up taking photos and throw my camera into the bin. I'll never be that good!
No! Never give up! :-) x
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The best place to go to feel good about your own photography is the Photographers Gallery in London. Quite a few of their exhibitions (with prints on offer for hundreds, or even thousands, of pounds) seem to feature 'award winning' pictures which are out of focus and with people's head cut off:
It's dead easy to come away thinking "I can do better than that with my eyes closed".
Fabulous images, Ta Chris.
When my parents died we inherited a bundle of photos of headless bagpipes from the local highland games. Mum had kept them because they might have come in handy one day!
It can sound like they are ripping the heads off them if they can't play well.
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Thanks, Mamya.

>>> Mum had kept them because they might have come in handy one day!

And quite right too, Wolf63! I've got hundreds of photographs I took when I was at school, and college, of people I no longer recognise (if I even knew their names when I took the photographs in the first place), which are often blurry or under/over-exposed. I've also got my late father's collection of similar photographs (of people I've never met). It would obviously be RIDICULOUS to throw any of them away because, you never know, there's just a tiny chance that one of them might 'come in handy' one day! ;-)
Sometimes it is lovely music to listen and sometimes it's not.
Love a massed band but not keen on a lone piper.

Am off now, Night everyone. xxx
Chris - you must be a long lost brother. Cleaning out dad's stuff when he died was actually hilarious. Leaking batteries etc.

Little brother can look forward to clearing out my house when I die as I hoard too.
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I definitely qualify as a serious hoarder, Wolf63. I've still got some boxes that need unpacking from when I moved in here (23 years ago!)
Wow !! They are stupendous
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Good morning (or should that be 'good afternoon' for you?), Seekerz!
And Good morning to you too, Chris ....still morning with me, but not for long !
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I always feel that it's wrong to wish someone 'Good morning' as it approaches noon, Seekerz, since most of the morning has already gone by. My natural instinct (born out of the pedantry that my high-funtioniong autism forces upon me) is to start saying 'Good afternoon' from around 11am. However I usually manage to stick to the social convention of saying 'Good morning' until after lunch.

[See what a boring nerd I can be?]

Anyway, whether it's 'late night' here (as my body clock is telling me) or 'early morning' (or, indeed, 'approaching noon' for you), I feel that it's time for bed.

Good night!
(Er, I mean 'Good morning'. Oh, no I don't, I mean 'Good afternoon'. Oh, stuff it, 'See ya later'!)
:-))) see you later and sleep well xx
If you study some of these Pics, how many faces can you see? Fantastic.

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