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Are There Any Muslims

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wildwood | 05:16 Wed 10th Sep 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
145 Answers
who frequent this R&S category and are willing to publicly declared their outrage at the atrocities carried out by extremists in the name of Islam?


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. . . or perhaps they're a scared to speak out against anything that has been done in the name of their own religion . . . sometimes silence speaks volumes.
18:30 Fri 12th Sep 2014
FrogNog, //opinion polls are just that, opinion.//

They are indeed, and in the opinion of a considerable number of Muslims worldwide, Islamic terrorism is justifiable.

//Why should they distance themselves from anything when they have done nothing to be ashamed of?//

This answers your question.

//muslims should not speak out to defend their lifestyles because they are doing nothing wrong.//

Thankfully some of them disagree with you.
^ ★★★★★ ^
Pretty! Thank you, Mibs. :o)

✽ ✾ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❀ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❀

If I could they'd be pink . . . :o)
That made me smile. Thank you. :o)))

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Are There Any Muslims

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