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Are There Any Muslims

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wildwood | 05:16 Wed 10th Sep 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
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who frequent this R&S category and are willing to publicly declared their outrage at the atrocities carried out by extremists in the name of Islam?


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. . . or perhaps they're a scared to speak out against anything that has been done in the name of their own religion . . . sometimes silence speaks volumes.
18:30 Fri 12th Sep 2014
Yes. It is difficult to understand, Naomi. I can see no logic or benefit whatsoever in a muslim posting (or Muslims demonstrating) that they are not all the same. We know that.
Do we? The Muslim leaders that Zacs talks about clearly understand that it's imperative that the voice of moderate Islam is heard now - which is why they are making the effort.
It is not the same a court case as folk are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty and a Muslim should be judged in the same way. Unless there is evidence that someone supports IS, we should not think that they, or Muslims in general, do.
Naomi my post is completely relevant, as was Pixie's.
By your own logic me being a woman should make me come out in defence of all things women do that I don't agree with.
I believe you're ignoring the flaw in your own argument.
perhaps muslims are seen as a special case because they so readily take to the streets, in great numbers, to protest against the slightest, perceived slight on them and their religion.
Corbyloon - I was making a general point that those who given the opportunity to speak out but dont, will be seen by many folk to put themselves in a negative light whether they condone or not.
Imperative? Or pressured? Not imperative for most of us. We are perfectly capable of understanding that other adults take responsibility for their own actions.
Ag, then it's "many folk" that have the issue. Not the people who are misunderstood. We have to assume some common sense somewhere- not need it spelt out to us.
We have numerous ways of showing support or condemnation on any subject and the fact that some folk are judged by a lack of comment says more about those making that judgement than those remaining silent.
FrogNog, the flaw is in your argument. You have never claimed to be a member of the "dungaree wearing feminazis", therefore you have no reason to disassociate yourself from them. Moderate Muslims on the other hand are Muslim. I really don't see why that is so difficult to understand.

Pixie, high ideals are pie in the sky. They neither address nor cure the problem.

Got to go out now. See you later.
They are not extremist muslims though Naomi. I can't see why you find that so difficult to understand.
Neither does a muslim stating "we are not all the same". People too daft to know that already, are not going to be convinced by a speech or a march.
FrogNog, I understand that moderate Muslims are not extremists – but you don’t appear to understand that all Muslims aren’t moderates.

Pixie, so you think the Muslim leaders who are condemning this are wasting their time on a pointless exercise?
Naomi, an interesting article (unless it's just lip service);contentid=20140820215352
Well, telling the public something blindingly obvious, probably is a waste of time. It is all for appearance's sake. What difference will it actually make?
^^I don't think that's fair to frognog. She hasn't implied that in any way. Just the opposite, in fact, she's refusing to categorise everyone as the same.
FrogNog, re your post @ 12.53, you did not have a choice in being a woman but you do have a choice over which religion you choose to follow.
//but you do have a choice over which religion you choose to follow.//

Some do, others . . . not so much.
Sadly mib, you are right, that is true for some.
zacs, your comment regarding lip service would be more appropriately addressed to Pixie who says "It is all for appearance's sake".

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