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Mildew On Cotton

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rosyposy | 09:31 Tue 21st Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I have found eight lovely cotton pillowcases in a case I'd forgotten about in the loft but unfortunately they are speckled with orangey marks. Can anyone suggest the best way to try and get rid of the marks, a couple of them are embroidered in coloured silks so I couldn't use bleach on those which is the only thing I can think of. All suggestions gratefully received, they are so pretty and belonged to my grandmother -such a shame


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Oh wow. Best of luck. I shall be popping back to here to see if there is an answer, but I'd be pessimistic.
Orange marks on cotton are usually caused by iron mould....there are commercial solutions available....but I've had very good results using a solution of citric acid crystals in warm water applied to the spots, left and rinsed. You can get citric acid on ebay cheaply...or some chemists sell it too.
Citric Acid is available from many Asian grocers.
....and bleach wouldn't work and may make the marks permanent!
Rosy....the only thing I can think of if you can't remove the marks safely... is some delicate embroidery over the marks...could that work?...x
The old solution used to be soak in milk to remove then launder as usual or there are proprietary brands for mould and mildew removal.
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Thank you all for such good suggestions, I will have a look for citric acid and I will try the milk on one of them first vakayu, glad I didn't use bleach before I asked, gingejbee and I'm afraid the marks are too numerous to embroider gness, (Even if I could, which I can't :0( ) Thanks everyone again -rosy
Let us know how it goes !
As far as I know there is nothing that will eliminate this problem. I'll be interested to know if anyone can suggest something though.
Try Stain Devils No , been told it works well on iron mould
that should read No.7
I'd be very surprised if No.7 worked on iron's for greasy, waxy stains. Iron mould needs an acidic solution to dissolve iron compounds.
If you want to try Stain's No. 9 you want...contains both citric and oxalic acids and specified for "rust stains and deodorant stains".
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I think that Stain Devils 9 sounds more hopeful gingejbee, thank you, I will get some next time I'm out. Milk not working so far but it has only been three hours so I will leave it overnight but not too hopeful :0( Thanks again -rosy
When I was at school a hundred years ago we used Salts of Sorrel rubbed into the marks then washed out.
maggie: I think that "salts of sorrel" is oxalic acid...
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Update-my neighbour gave me some Mould Remover spray (W5 from Lidl) and, touch wood, it seems to have helped. I sprayed the mould quite generously then put the case back in the milk and left it for a few hours. The marks are quite faint and I will be able to use the pillowcases now. I did say that they were 'speckled' tho', so not sure if that would work on heavier stains but definately worth a try. Thank you all for your kind replies, signed 'one very happy bunny' :0)

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