Crosswords1 min ago
29 Answers
Is it against the law to have a dog off the lead?
I think what you are talking about is here https:// www. gov. uk/ government/ uploads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_ data/ file/ 218807/ dogcontrol- orders. pdf forgive me, hem hem if I say that it is a bit disingenuous to ask //Is it against the law to have a dog off the lead? // when the real question seems to be: I have a dog order aginst me which I dont like do I...
21:48 Sun 14th Dec 2014
Majory, Frognog is correct. Im sorry to have to break it to you like this but if there are orders or laws in place, you cannot break them without getting done for it. There are plenty of people i know who are still alive today because murdering hem is illegal and i'd go to prison for it.
I look after a large public garden which is a dog free zone. If i get the occasional dog walker in, i politely remind them that dogs are not allowed in there. Some of the reactions i get are quite unbelievable and are very very arrogant at best.
I look after a large public garden which is a dog free zone. If i get the occasional dog walker in, i politely remind them that dogs are not allowed in there. Some of the reactions i get are quite unbelievable and are very very arrogant at best.
^ I am a dog owner and he gets walked every day. But some dog owners do seem to think a dog should be allowed anywhere at any time with no restriction.
In most public places a dog must be 'under control' usually this means on a lead but some dogs are well trained and can be 'under control' off the lead .
In most public places a dog must be 'under control' usually this means on a lead but some dogs are well trained and can be 'under control' off the lead .
I think what you are talking about is here
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/uploa ds/syst em/uplo ads/att achment _data/f ile/218 807/dog control -orders .pdf
forgive me, hem hem if I say that it is a bit disingenuous to ask
//Is it against the law to have a dog off the lead? //
when the real question seems to be: I have a dog order aginst me which I dont like do I have to obey it ?
and yeah I think you should
forgive me, hem hem if I say that it is a bit disingenuous to ask
//Is it against the law to have a dog off the lead? //
when the real question seems to be: I have a dog order aginst me which I dont like do I have to obey it ?
and yeah I think you should
-- answer removed --
I agree, people who do not clean up after their dogs or who let them bother children or people who do not like dogs should be prosecuted, not people who walk their dogs away from other people and clean up, I spoke to the police who agree with me so I await to see what happens. Pity the dog warden doesn't fine people who don't look after their dogs. Peter's attachment was very useful. unlike comments from people who just don't like dogs.