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Right Now I Feel...........

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jd_1984 | 11:06 Thu 08th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

(Me) - I feel like I need a new challenge or something to get stuck into. Work is mundane, life at home is very routine (although I am perfectly happy).......


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Train for a marathon or the great north swim :-)
do some voluntary work. makes you feel good when helping others .
Yeah, come and dig my allotment.
Are you still going to the gym....?
Take music lessons, JD... any instrument :o)
Is jd the poster with admiring gentleman gym friends?
I don't know how old you are, but I do recognise the syndrome.

One can live a life whereby one is neither happy or unhappy, which might be satisfactory for other people, but not for me.

My first change was a complete turnabout for a well paid ( general practice) which was as satisfying as "watching paint dry" at the age of 30 years old to a training post in the hospital, bottom of the ladder and badly paid..........BUT...challenging, exciting and worth while.

Then aged 50years to pack in NHS for fulltime private practice.........a gamble, but brought in competition which the NHS didn't provide.

It was worth exchanging a £100,000 safe annual salary for the vagaries of private practice.

It was worth it..........if you really want to change it and do it now.
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I am 30.
I feel happy, very happy even.
Work is tolerable, pays enough to run two cars, pay mortgage and holiday once a year and be able to save for our next big aim which is a bigger house. Many people would trade for what I have, and I don't want to come off as selfish.
Yes I still go to the gym sporadically if I am honest.
I have a good social and family life.
But I feel like I have lost my drive, which as a younger man got me to where I am now. Do I settle for being content, many would but it isn't my nature!
You need a hobby.
and do it now

I retired at 60 and wanted to do a Math degree but on A level day was in the middle of a years chemo. what a bummer
"Work is mundane" Work is tolerable" Maybe you should seek a job that offers more of a challenge.

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Right Now I Feel...........

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