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Another One Leaves

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Fusion5 | 14:58 Sun 18th Jan 2015 | Film, Media & TV
58 Answers
Alexander O'Neil has walked out of CBB . What a shambles this years programme is.


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RATTER. Is that in answer to my question about who was removed from my thread or an observation of CBB ?
Perez felt 'threatened' by Jeremy. He conveniently got himself removed. Perez felt 'threatened' by Ken, a 71 year old man. He was removed. Perez has felt 'threatened' by and has consistently annoyed Alexander to the point that Alexander has snapped, which is exactly what Perez wanted. Now he has left as well.
Alexander was formally cautioned for his comments and behaviour, so why has Perez's revolting, erotic dance the other night gone unpunished? It is indeed the Perez show. If he thinks he's going to intimidate Katie Hopkins until she leaves, he's got another thing coming! I don't like the woman, but at least she isn't butting into everybody else's arguments, like Nadia. I've always liked Nadia, but she is annoying to the extreme in her 'mother hen' role. Even Alexander told her to butt out of his business. Well done him. I'm very sad that he has left, he was very funny. On the BOTS show, they are all saying how quiet and boring certain people are. That's because the camera is always on Perez acting like the spoilt child that he is. I'm sick of him saying that he wants to go home. You know where the door is - I'll help you pack!
Fusion5, my comment was just an observation. No idea what was removed!
On Good Morning Britain this morning, it was said they couldn't discuss about Perez as he had a team of lawyers standing by, I dont think they were joking. !
Perez Hilton (not a member of the Hilton family) is being sued by anybody and everybody in the USA by the looks of it, he really is a disgusting character and he will probably make a fortune sharing his experiences online and selling his story. He may be a nasty bit of work but he isnt stupid when it comes to selling himself to his readers, he is now a household name in this country as well as the USA. No publicity is bad publicity!
Just to clear things up a bit, it was me who removed the posts, it was a reply from Neti that for reasons known only to her (I suspect either the gin or senility or both she submitted the same reply about 6 times.

Tellin' ya, the woman's lost the plot, just pat her on the head and smile when you next see her :-)
Bless her, no cure available?
Boo most people on here know by now that I am having problems with AB, most of my posts get repeated, I have written about it on Editor's blog, and have contacted the AV techies, up to now no one can help, so most of my posts double/treble/ whatever !!!!
Oh look,

I said that only once!!!
Cannot stand Perez. Love Katie H, she tells Perez and Nadia like it is. Wish Nadia would leave !!
Neti! I was joking, thought you'd have gathered by now! I know about your problems regarding AB.

Was prepared to give Katie Hopkins the benefit of doubt before she entered the house, but seeing her bully and goad Perez makes uncomfortable watching. Yes he's a twonk but she's horrendous in her comments about and to him.
Seeing Katie H goad the disgraceful Perez is far better than watching the Yank and his erotic 'dance' routine. The guy is a creep.
Carry on goading Katie - he deserves it !
most of the house can't stand perez because he is getting more camera time than them, sad people,
That Perez thing is just revolting i had recorded it the other night luckily so when he started yet another boring rant I could ffw it !! Nadia should shut up too she is another getting on my nerves but must admit i am warming to Katie Hopkins!! which had surprised me no end !!!
Katie H has gone up in my opinion, yes keep on at that yukky Perez, how he has got away with his disgusting antics is beyond me!!
totally agree Clara
I think Katie Hopkins is showing her true self as she relaxes and makes friends in the house but it still bothers me that she needs to be so vile to people outside the house to forward her career and make money. Perez is also just working the British public, by being so vile in the house he is carving himself out a similar career to the one he has at home in the USA. He will come out of the house and be on ever chat show going and is already a household name in this country, you wait guys, you will be hearing a lot more from this guy after he comes out. He may be vile but he knows how to make a name for himself.

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