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Another One Leaves

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Fusion5 | 14:58 Sun 18th Jan 2015 | Film, Media & TV
58 Answers
Alexander O'Neil has walked out of CBB . What a shambles this years programme is.


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Katie Hopkins would do well as a member of AB.
You never know, she may already be ;o)
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lol lol tiggerblue
Was forced to watch it tonight as my kids were in watching it, my word a therapist would have a field day with this lot.
All Perez does is moan that he is being threatened and that his life is in danger, what a childish person he is, he is really upsetting the house.

I find that Nadia really two faced and bossy.
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sorry dont know what is going on
haha Neti :-)
Bad Neti!

Now go sit on those hands, lol!
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Blimey what has happened to my thread ? Who or what was removed ?
CBB= Celebrities Biggest Bitches

Perez is winning so far, with Katie Hopkins a close second!!!

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Another One Leaves

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