Your suggestion about the title of Welsh windbag for mikey is not entirely without merit EXCEPT the wannabee boyo just lives in Wales but I believe, like me, he was born in London. Wembley if my memory serves. So Welsh ""No". I would challenge him to tell me what my niece's middle name means in Welsh. It is "Caeredwyn" Without looking it up can he tell me what that means? I doubt it but he chooses to ridicule a Welsh family who do not know the connection with the river Styxx and the name of their choice for their daughter. Windbag yes certainly but not Welsh windbag.
Nobody would deny him his freedom of opinion on this site but he would acquit himself better with his tedious boorishness if he refrained from hi-jacking other ab'ers threads on the subject of his obsession. It would seem that mikey's strategy, certainly in North Wales, is to buy the locals a few pints in order to engage in a conversation with him. They are cheaply bought. That was from one of his earlier posts, btw, I did not make that up.
I would again, respectfully suggest that you,mikey offer your opinion on the subject of child abuse when a thread appears from someone who is quoted from a reliable media source that is actually more "in the know" and is qualified to talk on this matter.
Please do not go on about hearsay either. You will continue to make yourself foolish. I advise you not to quote what you have been told by Met Police Officers in a pub. From my knowledge as I am "in the know" it is common practise to wind up gullible fools .It is part of their humour and they will be laughing about their acquaintance with you long after all the drinks you have bought them. You will be shot as many lines to a wide eyed, mouth gaping mikey as they can muster and be happy to quaff the drinks that you supply them with. I am" in the know" on that subject and do not feel that comfortable about admitting it . You have again failed to prove you are "in the know" about the cause you campaign for.