In massive letters:
Number of migrants in UK towns trebled in last 10 years
In much smaller print:
THE foreign-born population of SOME (my capitals) British towns has tripled in just 10 years, a report shows
In smaller print again:
"In Boston, Lincolnshire, immigrant numbers are up 389 per cent and foreigners now account for 15 per cent of the residents – up from just three per cent a decade ago. In Merthyr Tydfil, the proportion of migrants rose from 1.4 per cent to 4.5 per cent".
Er, that's ONE town with (actually nearly a fivefold increase, could they but do maths), not "UK towns in general" as suggested at the outset. And another with a threefold increase.
SO, yes, I'd say there's a major problem there. As least there is some sense there if you persevere with the article, but how many do?