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queenofmean | 17:23 Sun 22nd Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
After he HUGE hoohah with that so called friend the other day. I can now say I have a huge weight off my shoulders. I got my car back off him and I have blocked him on Facebook and on my phone. I can't begin to tell you how relieved I feel. Now to get my car fixed by someone I trust and isn't going to treat me badly.


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qom, has the engine management warning light been on while the car has been driven ?.
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nope fraid not Tony, Dad had it out on a Saturday and was fine then when we went to use it on the Monday it just refused to start...Dad heard a noise when he tried to start it but I never heard anything. Now it hasn't been doing anything for the last 10weeks or so :/
Right, I'm surprised that the battery hasn't gone flat then, qom.
What car is it?
It's a Citroen C2 or C3 if I remember rightly, Psybbo.
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We tried to jump it yesterday but nothing. But OH thinks his car isn't strong enough to start it.

It's a Citroen C2 Sib
What year? They're usually very reliable. Anybody have a car battery charger?
Have you got a battery charger, qom. It could probably do with an overnight trickle charge. If you don't have one do you know anyone that has got one, maybe you could borrow it.
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08 Sib...not that I know of :(
well you are under way...!

Bonne continuation.....

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