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maggiebee | 11:30 Tue 12th May 2015 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Just replaced a toilet roll. Now, it only seems like days since I put the last one in the bathroom. Would I be right in thinking that they are shorter than they used to be? I've tried every type from the cheepos to the most expensive and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Another "secret" price hike?


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if you can, hold it in until you get to work.

firstly, you can use their paper, free of charge
secondly, you are getting paid for the privilege.

Think about what you can achieve in those extra minutes (stretched out over the year) at home whilst not changing toilet roll or sitting on the throne!
When I got my first job in 1980 (Civil Service) we had Izal in the loos. It was terribly exciting when we were upgraded to the soft stuff. I was medically retired in 2004 and we still had 1940s filing cabinets, spray painted over the years.

Do they still make Izal? And, if so, why?

Sure I'm developing OCD, as when loading toilet roll on holder, got to be that the paper is outside the roll other than nearest the wall and when finished, I put the seat always down.

Because when we are all here, there is 6 of us in the family, we have 4 bathrooms.....and I go round checking that all of 'em are the same. Weird eh? I try not to get caught doing it too I hasten to add lol.........maybe cos next year its the big five-0 I dunno :-(
I go through 2 rolls a day !!! think OH is eating it !
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In one of my first jobs, the boss refused to buy soft toilet roll, we always had Izal. He said the soft type just stuck to your a**e.
Yogi, would you believe If I told you a person I know counts how strips there are on a Loo Roll? No I'm not joking.
Izal (unused!!!) has a really nice distinctive smell, or it used to when I was little.
My OH works for a big paper manufacturer and can buy toilet rolls for next to nothing. I have a houseful of the stuff. And an attic full. And two car boots full.
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I used to deliver the stuff to Franny Lees factory in Bolton Lyn, I used to bring them across from Felixstowe, the roll were approx 2 tonnes each.

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