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Hand(s) always in there!

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jackie0 | 12:50 Thu 04th May 2006 | Parenting
7 Answers
My 2-1/2 yr old boy is ALWAYS putting his hand(s) in his pant or pampers whenever he's home! Is this normal? Should I be worried?


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all little boys do this its quite normal at this age and doe'snt tend to be sexual, its more of a comfort thing and exploring their bodies, dont be shocked by it, we dont worry when babies suck their toes or or toys ect, they're learning everything like what does thisdo/noise doesit make/ whats this for.
Absolutely cliffsdoll. It's all part of the exploration of the body that all children go through - sadly it includes exploring their orifices at inoportune moments as well!
Yes it's normal ~ and sadly it won't stop when they are grown up!
It's been observed in the womb...(without the pampers)
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Your posts made me laugh. thank you all for your help. at least I know I have one less thing to worry about!

Cheers all.

My daughter is 17 months old and started poking herself 'there' when in the bath. I did wonder whether I should be removing her hand as it just looks so wrong, but after reading the above I'll leave well alone!

Thanks jackie for asking this Q - it's helped me as well :-)

most men still like to check its still there,most of their life,im 50 and still check now and again

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Hand(s) always in there!

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