We are in contract at another address until July, the problem is it is on the old HD boxes that are no longer serviced by sky and they are beginning to fail. The occupier frequently goes weeks... ...
I have high excesses on all my policies to keep the premiums down. I wouldn't claim if the value of the goods lost, stolen, damaged was low as I believe any claim increases future premiums. What's... ...
I arranged for a BG boiler service for the elderly person we 'care' for. They arrived and carried it out on Monday night, the lady is positive that she did not sign anything and at no time was she... ...
Hi Can someone help explain how a debt arrangement scheme works in scotland as I am waiting for one to get approved money advisor is doing it for me said not to worry it's just a process will most... ...
I appear to have been put on an emergency tax code because, after the number with the L, it says M1. I am very puzzled as to why this has happened as absolutely nothing has changed in my... ...
My mother has got a payment of £99 on her bank statement going out to SKYMC. She has supposedly paid this on her debit card. She can't remember doing this. She doesn't have Sky TV, Broadband or... ...
Any experts here? My query relates to a spouse inheriting ISAs on death. https://www.gov.uk/individual-savings-accounts/inheriting-an-isa-from-your-spouse-civil-partner I read elsewhere that both... ...