“As the police are no longer on the streets will the new law be dependent upon cameras?”
No, not really. The police have said they do not intend to enforce this legislation with much gusto (if at all). Its supporters say it is believed that it will engender a “change of attitude” among smoking drivers. It’s quite true that the smokers in pubs seem compliant enough without the need for rigorous or draconian enforcement. However, I’m not so sure about those in vehicles. It has been illegal to smoke in company vehicles for some time now but I don’t notice a marked reduction in the number of lorry and van drivers puffing away in their firm’s vehicles.
The legislation is unnecessarily complicated but the age thing is quite simple. Firstly, the new rules only apply if there is more than one person in the car. If there is, if any of them is under 18 then no smoking is allowed. This means a 17 year old driver can smoke in his car if he is alone but he cannot do so if he is giving his Dad a lift to the pub. Sounds as if it was drafted by a fourteen year old (or perhaps a seventeen year old).