I woke up on Monday morning with such bad pain in my left foot that I could hardly walk and nearly had to go sick from work. Managed to take enough pain killers to dull it a bit and carried on. The...
For buses, I use this site http://www.londonbusroutes.net/routes.htm Is there an equivalent site for trains lines? I am trying to get somewhere in December and I have to keep trying different stations...
https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Samsung+Galaxy+Tab+3+10.1+Battery+Replacement/76459 This is a picture of the inside of my tablet which has died. I'm in the process of trying to get the battery out as I...
I have a Samsung tablet that has died (nothing to do with battery/charging etc) Has anyone had Samsung do repairs for them? I'm just wondering if they charge a hefty fee just to look at it before they...
I have a fairly basic wall mounted security light. I think it is a motion detector one. It kept coming on so I replaced it and the next one did the same. I presume the bushes nearby must have been...
Why is the AB site so rubbish? I have been posting on my unofficial work site (run by a colleague) and it was 10 times more responsive than this site. I am on Android at the moment and I have to tap 4...