i have a a dell laptop with windows 7. i have lost all my destop icons with no idea how. only way to get them back is by refeshing destop with my external plugged in i have to do this each time i boot...
A month ago my dads girlfriend at the time was arrested. Steeling my dads car, driving while disqualified, driving without 3 party insurance, having an illegal substance and position of a wepon in...
I have 3 kids at to supply a goodie box for, these are being done for my wedding to keep kids entertained at my wedding when speechess being done etc. 2 five years and 1 six. only i have no idea what...
i have split from my partner and taken our baby with me. i am currently staying with family. i need to re home myself and baby. i work part time so cant afford rent but i want a decent home to bring...
a woman with 2 small children shares a morgage with husband. Woman i know is being mentally abused and is now trying to find out what her options are and and waht she maybe intitled to i.e money,...
It's my cousins birthday tomorrow and i am down there this eve. i need gift ideas costing no more then about £20 and i have untill bout 5 o'clock i have no idea what to get that 16 yr old like...
I have a beautiful daughter of 2. when i 1st but her onto solids she would eat all types of food chicken fish all veg anything really. as she turned one it was time where she started feeding herself...
i get child tax each month for my daughter. i am at home at the moment but would love to go back to work. however i am scared that by doing so my child tax will stop. i can only do part time hours as...
A few years ago i used to play a game on my comptuer. you had a little village that was yours and you were surrounded by other villages. you had men who looked after things like making food and...
i am in my 3 year old relationship with a man i love very much and recently had a baby with. after giving birth i have gone off the love making. well physically but mentally it's all i think about but...
has anyone used the website envirofone? if so were you happy with the service and sending way your phone? if you haven't used it would you trust to use it?
When I add fruit, such as raspberries and apple, to my cupcakes they don't release from the cake cases as well other flavours. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. At the moment, I'm just adding fruit...
Hi, Just purchased a beautiful pink marble 12" Nick Drake 'Bryter Layter' album. Trying to find out if it was an original pressing or wether it's a 'copy'. Can anyone help me or point me in the right...