I was wondering lastnight is max still married to Claire? Louise couldn't get married to warren because they hadn't found Shauns body. So surely Max is still married to Claire as they never found her...
Following the recent debate about the dog-walking woman who is suing a farmer after she was attacked by a cow (she got some criticism on this site, and accused of harassing the herd) there has been...
I would be interested to hear if anyone has tried the stuff you put in dog water bowls to eliminate the brown patches when they wee on the lawn!! It sounds great but does it have any ill effects on...
My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years and living together for the last 2. Is he now my common law husband? Does such a thing exist in Scotland? Also, so we need to make formal arrangements...
When I was young my cluedo set had 2 ballroom cards. I always asumed that this was just to complicate matters when trying to guess the room. However no one else I have spoken to had 2 ballroom cards....
I'm 17 on saturday..yey! so that means i amthen old enough to give blood. my mum does this and i have been along with her a few times and i think it is a wonderful thing as it isnt just used to...
champers n co, lets put it to a vote, all whom want deesel to leave say "leave deesel" and give a reason if you can be ars*ed. all whom want deesel to stay say "stay deesel" and state a reason if you...
I keep dreaming that some of my teeth have broken off at gum level and I keep trying to shove them back in place but they won't stay. I had an accident about 4 years ago, and I lost my four front...
Anyone with kids at school - do they still play games in the playground like we did. Please mother may I, What's the time Mr Wolf, Stuck in the Mud etc. what games do you remember?
I tried to kill myself by overdose last week, didn't work coz I'm still here lol! Anyway, at the hospital they made me drink 2 cups of charcoal. What was this for? P.S: It tasted awful and it made my...