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What with all the different suggestions on how to complete the football season the one that flummoxes me is "play the matches on neutral grounds" What is the thinking behind this?Thanks....
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Hardly a day goes by when I get a foreign matter in one of my eyes.My wife never has this problem.Any ideas please.Thanks.
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As a 73 yr. old + this virus is going restrict me very soon in all ways.My problem is both my car tax and insurance are due to be renewed the 1st of April,Any ideas what I should do?If I pay up and if...
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If twin brothers married twin sisters will their off-spring look alike? If a twin brother and sister married a twin sister and brother are their of-spring more or less likely to look alike than the...
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why does my bissell carpet cleaner top tank leak water even off of the cleaner?
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I missed the last episode of the above prog,one of my favourites,And I also forgot to record it.Is there anyway L can now view it ,or do I have to wait until it comes around again? Thanks.
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I have had one of the above units for quite a while,so long I've lost the instruction book.It says on the m/c no more than 5 minutes at any one time,but I don't know how frequently it can be used.Can...
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Is there anyway that sawdust can be utjlised as a fuel in an open fire grate,,,,safely? Thanks.
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When I need to print something the size of the fonts are as required,but I've just printed a recipe for "her indoors" and it has come out so small.How do I over come this without my general print outs...
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I have two of the above units one upstairs and one d/stairs.For the last couple of days I can't phone out or receive any calls.When I lift the receiver to make a call all I can hear is a "mush"...
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Can someone please talk me through how to print out the size i want.No matter what setting I put in they all come out wrong but the same.Thanks.
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I have an HP Deskjet printer and using a Chromebook and Pixlr editing prog.The prints I'm getting are very poor.The colours are not ^natural*and dark,especially to one side of the photo.I've tried...
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I don't know how I've done it but i have canged my email address please help me to change it back...
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I've lost all my e-mails, how can I get them back please?
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My provider is the above,except for a few blips the service hasn't been too bad BUT now when I get them on line it shows ok but when I try for MY ACCOUNT the page opens up progresses for a few seconds...

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