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VIEW ALL CATEGORIES no longer works under Safari.  Not content with implementing new features which don't work, you have to go and wreck some older ones which were fine.
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When are we going to get these emojis you mentioned, or did I dream it?
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Complaints that AB, and in particular the News section is being commandeered by a few people obsessed with Brexit, Boris, and the perceived ills of the government, abound, so here's an idea. If enough...
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Khandro There doesn't really seem to be a suitable category, what do you think?...
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Are you aware that a recent poster (currently on 3rd username) has evoked strong feelings of annoyance from many ABers has now elicited responses from (at least) 2 of your stalwarts to leave the site?...
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To post a question on here, however bland, and it not end in acrimony and confrontation?
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Answerbank is now plonking ads in the middle of people's responses.
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ToraToraTora ...death's to good for some savages....
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As of today, I'm getting this message superimposed on every page, not even on each topic, - every page! It has to be deleted before I can read the page. Is this only happening to me please, or is this...
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landF "Farming is vital to our rural economy and communities. From the Upper Dales to Great Ayton, from sheep to dairy to arable, through Auction Marts...
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Why would a whole thread be removed . Who has the authority to remove it ? TIA .
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Underwent neck surgery last year. I haven't looked back since. ___ People who say, "you know what I mean" a lot, are relying far too heavily on my mind reading skills. ___ My wife tells me I can be an...
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If I must don't know it, then I am humbly and gladfully can accept it....
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as the request for donations keeps popping up every couple of minutes....
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I've just sorted out the cleaning rota at the zoo. The lion sweeps tonight. ___ I’ve stained an incisor chewing on a Biro. So I went to a phone shop to get it sorted. Turns out though, they can’t fix...
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so had to resort to using the last stuff in the freezer for dinner - so fish finger sandwiches it was and very tasty they were too. Can't remember the last time I had one....
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A leaked memo from the "Home Office" suggests Richi Sunaks Govt anticipates the migrant crisis will continue for around half a decade . With emergency accomodation plans being put in place for at...
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Editor Re thread entitled 'Not Good for the UK' on News section. I had a post removed by a moderator just before 2315 last evening. It was, apparently, seen by two moderators and deemed it required no...
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Lie-in King
Hi everyone - with 11 days to the start of the new season in the Premier League, I've taken the liberty of restarting our AnswerBank League at Sky Sports - As...

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