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Could anybody tell me how i can change which e-mail account my computer uses to display on the Welcome Screen "You have 1 new mail message" for example. Thanks
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Does anybody know why Friday 13th is deemed to be so unlucky?
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Can anybody recommend a good website with lots of photo's of mens hairstyles. I'm bored of my current style, looking for a new one. Thanks
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Does anybody have any styling tips for VO5's Rework Putty. Ive just bought some and I'm wondering how to style my hair. Thanks
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Who would you recommend as the best ISP?
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Does anybody know what date Lost Season 2 begins on Channel 4?
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Can anyone tell me the phrase that goes with Remembrance Day. I know it goes something like "As The Sun Goes Down And In The Morning We Shall Remember" Is that it?
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What does it mean when a blood pressure reading says the top number is ok but the bottom number is high?
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What does it mean when after you have had your blood pressure reading, the top number is normal and the bottom number is high?
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Does anyone know what colour coca cola is before they add the colouring?
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When I try to Defragment my computer it says "Defragmentation of HDD (C:) has been aborted due to inconsistencies that were detected in the file system. Please run CHKDSK or SCANDSK on HDD (C:) to...
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If you get a black tattoo will it go a really dark greenish colour eventually?
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Does anyone have a Sony Ericksson K700i Mobile Phone? Are they good and would you recomend one?
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Who was the English Comedian on last nights Jack Dee?? Marcus Somebody...
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Who invented Cupboards? And Shelves and Drawers and all the things like that??
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How do "they" know that each one is different? Do scientists run outside while it snows, catch one then quickly run back inside and look at it before it melts??
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What's the best way to get a six pac?
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Does anyone know when or if film certificates are going to get dropped??   Thanks
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If you're standing up on a train and then you jump, will the train move underneath you?

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