As with many other's I find AB very useful when looking for answers to certain questions but it falls down slightly when looking for something specific. For example I may have a query about my iphone...
Hey guys, this is a bit of a silly question and you may think I'm being a bit childish... Recently moved in with my boyfriend. Miss my dog terribly (wasn't allowed to take him with me as my Dad loves...
I live in a block of two flats where I am the Freeholder of the building. The other flat pays me a peppercorn rent of ?25.00 per year. This means that I am responsible for getting the buildings...
my mum who is 75 left the bath taps running upstairs and it overflowed causing bad water damage to the kitchen below. she has house and contents insurance does anyone know if she would be able to make...
My son has fully comp ins on his car, an astra 1.6, he's 21 years old, he needs the use of my car, a volvo 2.0 convertable, is he too young to drive it on his insurance?
Hi I am on my first day of non smoking. I smoked about 20 + a day. I have been OK this morning but suddenly I feel so moody! Arggggggghhhh Help!!!!! How long does this last?
me and my 2 mate were walking home afta a nite out when 1 of my mates fighting with anva lad the ova lads mate joined in so we joined in aswell. us 3 got aressted and are getting done with gbh and...
My father passed away last year before he died he left his sister as the executor over his estate. Is their anyway to find out what was left in his estate if she will not tell us. I was not close to...
I have just purchased Xbox Live for my 360 and was wondering what the best games were to play online? I know most people say the various Shoot em Ups and I do like these but would also be interested...
i have a four metre square conservatory and in one corner the floor it has risen about two inches and cracked the tiles .the area is about 6 foot square .the tiles in that area sound hollow...
Just to worn other people going on a cruise. Make sure you are covered if the ship is delayed..! As we have found out the hard way. We went on a cruise that had to turn back to land to let two very...
Anyone insure a son's just bought an new Dawes...darned costly one...had the last one stolen...that wasn't cheap either!!! so he wants to insure this one against loss or theft. Any...
Have my little dog about 5 years now. The other night I was putting him outside as I was going out for a few hours - however he gave me a little growl cos he was so comfy - this would be the 2nd time...
My son has been stopped when he borrowed his mates car thinking that he was insured on his own comprehensive insurance, the inevitable happened and he was stopped and given a producer, when looking at...