does anyone know the name of the song the reggae band are playing in the bar the night that the couple arrive at the resort and meet harrison ford again?
A narrow single track country road with passing places on a steep hill, two vehicles are heading towards each other, is there a rule about who pulls into the nearest passing place?
Well, I had my wee boy 12 weeks ago and this week I discovered hes left my with and over active thyroid (I thought losing that 14 pounds was easy lol!) due to pregnancy induced thyroiditis, low B12...
Hi All, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and had a growth scan today, at 28 wks baby was above average and today below average, just above the 10th percentile. The placenta is fine and I don't see my consultant...
Hi My darling daughter has pressed keys and know I have to open my laptop like a book to read the screen, does anyone know how to change it back to normal view?
Hi I handed a pregnancy test into my GP after doing 3 home tests all positive! The result came back as "equivocal" and I had to hand another sample in 48 hrs later. I was wondering if this...
I have received a cheque this morning for a few thousand. I am in England. I do not know the sender, and confirmed this by looking up their company online. They addressed it to me, and my full address...
My partners mum yesterday said that she thought our house was cold and that's why my one year old daughter has a runny nose. I don't think the house is particularly cold. My daughter never looks or...
hi so where do i start....well me and my parter has been together 1year and 10 months im 18 in a few months and and hes 21, we first started taking about having a child around 4-5 mouths into are...
Hi Just wondering how many AB'ers have asked for an elective cesarean and how they went about it? I'm due my second soon. We have a hospital here that is fine for a straight forward birth but they...
Hi everyone, I know this a debate that has been going on for years, and really it's my decision at the end of the day but I'm 6 months pregnant with my first, and the thought of breast feeding is...
Maybe i've had too much Baileys, but i'm quite fancying David Walliams and Noel Fielding
Do you fancy anybody that other people would find slightly odd?...
hi, me and me hubby have been trying for a baby for 18 months now and have finnally been seen at the infertilaty clinic at our hospital. on the 5th jan i have been booked in to have a procedure done...
Hi, I was due on last tues and felt pg so did a test which was pos. We have been trying for a baby. A def strong line. We were both delighted as I mc early oct, had one clear a period after and tried...
Hi, if you concieve straight after your period, does this mean your more likely to have a boy or a girl?? I cant remember which way round it is.. some sperm live longer and others swim faster!!?...
On Monday evening my dentist recomended removing a "dead" tooth. I told her that I had had root treatment on that tooth years ago but it never caused me any pain. She said regardless it was...