You know that game, where you have to link to words by changing one letter each time to make a series of new words, until you get to the detination word? example: Bike to Fate BIKE LIKE LAKE LATE FATE...
The tennant in my flat let the bath overflow and flooded the flat below, causing damage to the carpets and the lighting circuits of the neighbour. The tennant claims the overflow on the bath is...
If Charles and Camilla get married, when he becomes King, she will (have the right to) be called Queen, then how come Prince Phillip isn't called King??
I keep getting threatening letters about the removal of my car for unpaid parking fine in March 2003 (this first she had heard of it!). The problem is that when the fine was received I didn?t own the...
I keep getting threatening letters about the removal of my car for unpaid parking fine in March 2003 (this first she had heard of it!). The problem is that when the fine was received I didn?t own the...
If you have 50 people in a room, what are the chances that at least 2 of them with share a birthday. It's not as easy as it sounds - it would be 50 into 365 only if the date was specified.
Help! You have twelve blocks all of uniform appearance. However, one block is lighter/heaver than the others, which are of equal mass. You also have a set of balancing scales. Using only 3 turns on...
To get married in a church, must both parties be christened/baptised whatever or just one? How does this effect the validity of the marriage? Must you declare this?
Why are diesel cars banned in Lebanon? I read this somewhere yesterday and can't work out why! You have to leave them at the border if you drive there.
Will a Playstation 2 brought in Shanghai work in the UK? Will games for PS2 brought in Shanghai work on UK Machines? Can you buy adaptors to make them all compatable? I don't have a clue about these...
I am thinking about setting up my own business, which will require the use of a kitchen a few times a week. I can't use my own kitchen, as I am sure it will not comply with health and safety...
I have heard of a British family who live in Botswana in the bush, who work on conservation projects there. They have several children who were all raised out there. What is the name of the family,...