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how do circuit breakers work for a 3 pin plug? and how have they become safer than in the past? also any other info on 3 pin plugs would be great thanx its for my gcse coursework thanx xxxx
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What is "loom card"?
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I have just installed the latest service pack for XP, and now I can't view sent faxes in fax console. Anyone know the fix?
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i have been asked by a friend to try and trace a rod mckuen piece--she described it as a 3 boxed set called earth sea sky--i don't know if its cd or maybe lp--the year or if earth sea sky is the title...
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i heard recently u can only install xp a certain number of times and then when u go to activate it it rejects ur product key as having been used too often and becomes no longer valid--can anyone...
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ted hall
to copy tapes on to disc please
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I used Windows XP Picture Tasks wizard to copy photos to a CD-RW for storage. I'd like to play them on the TV though my DVD player, but the when you put the disc in the timer counts up but nothing...
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I've noticed that some of the users on this site add links to their answer. Like click HERE for link. And some users seem to be able to underline certain words. How is this done?
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I have put petrol in a turbo diesel car engine by mistake. How much damage will i have done as i travelled about 60 miles thereafter (there was still a quarter tank of diesel in the engine before i...
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seb brown
What is the reasoning behind the, .com, .org, .net etc on the end of all web addresses? Why are there lots of different types and what do they all mean? I know is a site from the UK, and...
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recently i offered some advice about fixing an extention hijacker found by spybot--smug little me--it involved downloading a fix for the registry for either xp or win98--well i guess i was over...
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I want to install Norton on my computer. It says if you suspect you have a virus (which I have) to boot the computer from the CD ROM...I have the option to open Windows from the D drive which I have...
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what's the best method/program to use to download films from the net--i run xp--2+Ghz processor--1Gb of ram
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How did mince pies originate?
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what is infantigo???
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despite setting my sound scheme to no sounds and disabling play sounds in web pages in explorer/options/advanced i am getting the most annoying sound whenever i open a page--it is like a creaking door...
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my explorer seems to have defaulted to work offline in the file menu--it is always ticked when i log on and i don't get any pages until i untick it and click on the page shortcut again--anyone know...
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I want to buy my mother a cheap digital camera for Christmas, but there's so many of them I don't know where to start. It's only going to be used to take pics for webpages so resolution doesn't have...
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a box about 2'x21/2' has appeared top left of desktop--not actually on desktop--covers d/top icons--7 lines of text--15 minutes,30 minutes,1 hour,3 hours,6 hours,12 hours,24 hours--can do NOTHING WITH...
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i have had trouble recently getting answerbank to accept my Q's--tho it accepts my answers--i have re-installed my os--xp--for an entirely diff reason so just trying this to c if the AB problem has...

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