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Too late to say nighty-nights to Star and BD (whom I hope will be feeling better in the morning) I'll miss Mamya's song no doubt, but sweet dreams to all xxx...
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can you go from rip roaring tears of mirth to heart-rending sobs of grief and can not be ridiculed for either. It's wonderful surely?...
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I remember my mum making it with smoked haddock, hard boiled eggs and rice, with loads of butter on top. I'm sure there was more to it than this tho. Does anybody still make it and any hints or tips...
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A woman gives natural birth to two daughters who were born in the same hour of the same day of the same month of the same year, but they were not twins.. I'm sure you will all twig within 5 minutes at...
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For those of you who were kind enough to ask for an update (and for those who have missed the saga) He arrives home today about 10.30, stays for a while , has lunch, goes out with some pals and comes...
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could someone please kick them up the bahookie and get them to load quicker? Thank you. The transferring data from them lasts longer than anything else. I'm grrrrrrr'ing at them...
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Sometimes my I/C lets me down so can't get on to reply to some postings. I keep putting a shilling in the meter and refreshing the hamsters, maybe I should upgrade to guinea pigs?...
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Please tell me they are to go with home/-made curries ? I'm so craving a decent home made beef curry (my mum also used to have sultanas in it) If you make home made curry, please give me your secret...
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I've tried weed killer and lopping them off and digging down to the roots as well as using some sort of pritt-stick type of weed/-killer on their leaves. Please tell me how to finally get shot of...
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I won't disagree with that. T'other night I set the alarm on my mobile so I could go out and get my bearings for the ISS sighting. The alarm went off and I answered it and couldn't fathom out why...
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about my son's pal becoming a dad. The wee fella came to visit tonight (along with mum and dad) A little bundle of joy. He'll be 3 weeks old tomorrow and is absolutely handsome :D...
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How many years of a 'happy married life' will there be a third person in their life ? Probaably Harry for being left out of invitations and so on...
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the decade. Do vegetarians eat eggs? My teenagers and I were having a blether, as you do, and we have no idea. (Sad sorry)...
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for those who are going to bed. I've run out of steam :) Hope Wednesday is a good day for you xx...
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Just checked e-mails. Should have done it before I came on here. Mrs wbm gets very tired quickly and easily. The have appointment with oncologist on Wednesday and will hopefully have test results. He...
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Was it a hit or a miss ??
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again :) A whole 2 years and a few days old. Tempus does flipping fugit...
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It's never safe to post these thoughts at any time of the day I had Rowanwicth running from the top left to the bottom right of my monitor. She was wearing her full Xena outfit. JJ stopped her....
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I'm sorry I can't remember who has this lovely little chap. Hope all is well with him.
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I keep seeing the post as Report a Conifer sssh I know I know...

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