Watched an old George & Mildred and my eldest mentioned about George being in Wizadora.Does anyone know where we can hear the theme tune or read the lyrics to it?
Me,my partner & daughter are moving into our new home very soon,has anyone got any useful tips on moving house,from packing up to how to keep calm on the day. Thanks XXXXXXX
Does anyone have some inspirational sayings or quotes please?? Just need to let someone know that although everything seems bad now it will get better etc...that kind of thing. Thank you
All answers are flowers. Mixed up small computer horse (5) Archbishop's personal peal (9) 'Add a shell ivan' I said evenly (6) Every morning you greet me (9) Vegetable,sunflower or olive with hay or...
36a: Expandable cord or fabric woven with strips of rubber? ???s??c 25d: Large Eurasian maple with winged seeds, grown for its shade and timber? s??a?o?? Thanks in advance
Hi everyone I have to do a dinner party for a group of people who are all good cooks. I'm average bordering on dreadful!! Can anyone recommend any courses/dishes that look and taste really good, but...
What would you say are the most ridiculous chavvy Christian names you hear mothers or fathers shout at their kids these days - You know the sort of thing - Chelsea,Britney,etc.....- Not saying that...
The chocolate of absolute genius! As if just having a normal Curly Wurly wasn't good enough there are also these little packets of yumminess! Life is complete.
When I was a child back in the early 80's I used to have sweets that were triangular, purple and I think they had liquorice in the middle. I can't remember the name of them, and it has been driving me...
Please does anyone remember these? They were mini liqourice allsorts in a green bag like jelly tots etc. No one seems to have heard of them, I've even tried that website that sells old fashioned...