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Can anyone tell me what it is that snoteater has done wrong?! I haven't been on the site much today and must have missed all the action! He seems to have wound quite a few of you up?!
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Can someone out there PLEASE help me!! I'm currentky addicted to The Contender (Monday nights - ITV2) it's usually on at 9 pm. But shock horror when i turned it on last night, I'd missed it as they...
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I got a bit of money for my birthday and think I'll treat myself to a digital camera. The only thing is, with so many to choose from, I don't really know which one to go for!! Can anyone recommend...
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Can any of you girlies out there help me?! I have long hair, which is about 3 inches past my shoulders. I am soooo bored with what I do with my hair!! I either have it down (natural / straight) or in...
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I used to really enjoy going out and drinking. That all ended after my friends birthday when i was totally off my face, and couldnt get out of bed until 8:00 the next night cos i was soooo ill!! It...
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With the election coming up, and this being the first time I've been allowed to vote, I'd like to be able to understand all the parties' policies in a bit more detail as i have no clue who to vote...
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My boyfriend is on anti-biotics and on saturday its his brother's 21st birthday party. Obviously, he would like to drink, as everyone is going to be drinking and it won't be as much fun if he doesn't....
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I'd be quite interested in getting involved in this stocks & shares malarkey!! The only thing is, I don't have a clue how to get started or how it all works.  Can anyone out there give me...
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When talking about marriage, what does it mean / where does it come from when people say they are tying the knot?
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Do any of you know of any websites that show decent hairstyles? (Thinking of getting mine cut!) All the ones I can find are sooo naff!! Ta in advance!
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I've posted this question here and in the music section as I wasn't sure where to put it! Have any of you seen Rachel Steven's new video - I thnk it's called Case is Closed - or something like that!...
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Not sure if this is the right place to put this question, but I was wondering if any of you had seen Rachel Steven's new video? It's called Case Is Closed - or something like that! Well, I'm in love...
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Not too sure if I've spelt the name right?! I see his picture all the time on t-shirts etc. but don't have a clue who he is?! While in Amsterdam at the weekend, the lady behind me pointed out one of...
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Can anyone tell me what the difference is between a Standing Order and a Dierct Debit?!
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Probably a bit of wishful thinking here, but next year, I'd love me and my boyfirend to go somehwhere other than the usual european places with a package holiday,  i.e. spain portugal etc. ...
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Me and my boyfriend are going to Amsterdam for the Easter weekend. Do any of you know some good places to visit, eat and drink in etc. We don't have that much time there so want to make the most of...
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Does anyone know if Gwen Stefani is going to be touring the UK this year? I don't want to miss out on it if she does!!!
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Does anybody know of a good magazine / website that I can get good decorating ideas from? My bedroom desperately needs doing but I don't really know where to start?! Is there anything out there that...
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Any thoughts would be much appreciated!! - I left college two years ago after doing my a levels. I got a job as a barristers clerk, only stayed there 10 months and left cos i hated it! I'm now working...

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