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What has the guy who is playing the detective who has been questioning Tracy about killing Charlie been in before?
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Eskimos lmao.... she asked why do we never see a boatload of 'em coming 'ere? why aren't they icicles? Cos' they're Eskimos Jade!!! or Inuit... but I guess tht would confuse her even more.... Anyone...
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how much does an audi a4 cost
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hi there, please can someone explain why i keep loosing my broadband connection for a fraction of a minute all day everyday, ive had a word with my isp provider and they have checked but found no...
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I have had a couple of near misses on the same roundabout in the last few days. The situation is this, I approach the roundabout at the six 0'clock position in the right hand lane, intending to take...
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Was Marlon Brando The greatest actor of all time?
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How do you post a link to an email site?
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Any body see Tourette's De France ?
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Anyone know the music which goes with this ad??? Sounds like Kate Bush??? Ta
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Who sang the song Little By Little on the new U.K Actimel Ad.
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since i posted my first question. my boiler now does not heat the water or the heating, the pilot light is on, it tries to fire up, and you can hear the rattle, "must of been the death rattle". it is...
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my 1.3 ford escort keeps cutting out at junctions. i have had a new battery on it and the fan belt tightened. i have also had a battery and alternator check, everything is fine so why is my car still...
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i won an Appleipod nano in a competitiom recently, i have loads of music on my pc and want to transfer it to my ipod - sounds easy right! Well it says that the music is on there (on mipod) but when I...
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does anyone know the name of the song played on this advert during xmas. The bit I heard was 'going out tonight'.
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can anyone tell me wether a public building like a working mens club can install microphones in the ceiling i would have thought it ilegal but they have just been installed in my local!
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I have had a buy to let property for 5 years, I now want to sell it.. I got married last year. Can I transfer this into my husbands name to use his cap gains allowance as well as mine? When I told my...
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I have just purchased a Samsung LCD TV: model SM940MW. The catalogue entry declares that the set is HDready; however there is no such indicator anywhere on the packaging, nor in the user manual. I...
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i may have blow my turbo on my astra 2l dti i was at 4k revs in 3rd gear and sunnely the rev counter shot up2 6k then stayed there i stoped and reved th car and lots off smoke came out exorste then i...
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I got my car taxed a week before it was due to expire. Remembering that you can't put the new disc on the car until the old one has expired, I left it in the glovebox. The great day arrives and I...
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Are there any websites where I could listen to a piece of classical music (Biber's Missa Salisburgensis) before I buy it? I loved one ofther of his works I bought but disliked the second so don't want...

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