Anyone know the name of the artist or title of tune played in the latest Directline Advert ( The Falling Car or Bricks ad ) I dont think its Pink Floyd ..Careful with that Axe Eugene. Please help.
I am not sure if this is the exact name but this music was played in an advert on TV some time in the nineties, I think it was. I think it was a government advert re road safety or terrorism. It may...
Hello all, could anyone please advise me where to get the music from recent British Airways commercial, it is still Lakme /Flower Duet) but a contemporary remake by David Arnold (orchestra sitting and...
Ok, this will probably be contentious, but what's the most overrated tv show ever? My vote is Seinfeld - it's just not funny. (BTW - please don't 50 of you rush to its defence, I know I'm in the...
has anyone ever been killed by one? i heard that somewhere in asia they found a bird eating a person or something, i know thats stupid, but when you have been swooped by magpies before you will know...
I need some advice on what to do with my 1 year old cat. He has always been fed the whiskas pouches but a few monts ago I started buying tins of whiskas instead as they work out cheaper and last...
I bought my daughter 2 goldfish about a month ago, and one of them died yesterday. Part of its tail was missing. The day before this, I noticed that its tail/back was flopping down (almost like it was...
I've got 3 staffie dogs, one had 3 pups 3 months ago, I kept one and he pulls like crazy when walking, although he is alot calmer than the other pups, he isn't copying his mum because she has a halti...
Hi, recently out of my window and only at night i hear this really high pitched crying, it's quite erie. when i first heard it i thought it was cats fighting (you know how they make that sound warning...
Doc just given me Citalopram 10mg a day for depression,just wondering if anyone has any experience of taking this.I`ve googled it but its all horror stories,can`t be all bad?Anyone if it worked...
Do we have a sixth sense? No im not talk about seeing bruce willis and all those other dead people wondering about. Im talking about the times when you can just tell when someone is watching you, or...
I'm new to this site so can someone tell me how you get the 3 stars when a question has been answered, and also how do you give them to somebody? Thanks