11a Wading bird, last in this list.(5) 2 people before (page 4) have given the answer as STILT, but I think it could be STINT, which is also a wading bird, and is in the clue ( LA(ST IN T)HIS LIST. I...
I'm stuck in top left hand corner. 7a B-barking mad in Eccles, say (7) ?O????? 2d B-British snake on straight line (following Cannon and Ball) (8) ???E?L?Y. All I can think of is that it might end in...
Last 2:- 9a Round number looked put up to it (6) ?R?M?D. It looks like PRIMED, but I can't quite follow the cryptic bit of the clue. 11a Cause to drink like a fish without sleep (6). ?O?Z?E. I have...
I 'm a bit bothered by the answers they give to some of the puzzles. For instance, in the world's smallest crossword yesterday the clue to 5a was "figure skating manoeuvre" or some such wording, and...
1 down Strong beneficial quality-or lack of it?(8) ?u?i?i?y I've looked up all the words which fit, but to my mind only HUMILITY or NUBILITY seem at all appropriate, and neither of those really fit...
Again, I am unable to reach the target score, which is 145-155. I can only reach 128. This is the second time this week this has happened. I emailed the Daily Mail earlier this week, but have not had...
I can't reach the target score today. I usually get it fairly easily. Many thanks if anyone can help. It's too long to type here, so only those people with the paper can help, sorry!
22d A dark blue in itself (5) P?R?E. This is my last clue, and I must be dim, but I've looked at all the possibilities on my word programme, Is it a proper noun? Many thanks for any help.
last one, 16a Brown fan supplies some old money to.....(6) ?a?n?r. (17a is ado} It looks like tanner, tan is brown, and tanner is a sixpence, but how does the rest of the clue work? Many thanks for...
In the early 1940's (yes, really!) I read at school a book about a journey up the Amazon, including a visit to Manaus. It was recommended by our English teacher. I seem to remember it was quite a...
5d Millions found under table, reportedly collected by funny fictional character (6,5) W?L?E?/M?T?Y Surely this must be Walter Mitty, but I can't understand the cryptic part of the clue. Many thanks...
21d Unexceptionally, one invading erstwhile old-time empire(2,1,3) T?/A/?A?, to a something? 24d documents on female sponger (4) B??? 26a Jollies restricted too warm clothes(8) T?E???L? Is this...
Last one. 5d Dull fellow with tree that's queen underground (10) ?R?S?R?I?E. I can only find PRESERVICE or PRESURMISE. Service is a tree, but preservice is not in my Chambers, though it is an American...
26a Setter's taking current month, (3) M?Y. Well, surely the answer is MAY, but I can't for the life of me see the cryptic bit. It's been nagging me for hours! Many thanks for any help.
The clue to 1a read "knock it back and fall" The answer could be tipple or topple. There was a discussion here about which to put, and the consensus was topple. I agreed, reluctantly, because tipple...
I've only solved 2 clues so far, 15a and 13d, and am stumped. Any help with the top left corner or bottom right corner would be very welcome. Only a little though, I do like to do it myself if...
8a 1 holding back comedian's initial investment (8) ?E?D?O?N It looks like HEADDOWN (down = down payment,) but that doesn't seem to be one word. 14a Fire-power first-born turned on type of gum (8) A?...
I've got the answer to the seminal clue, i.e. 13d and 20 a, but I'm blowed if I can get the idea of all the many clues referring to that answer. ( I think 13d and 20 acroos is "ask a stupid question")...