There was a post on this site recently which I think said that Gatsos will only take a pic of the rear of your car, and not the front, as the flash could temporarily blind the driver. In this area,...
When I took my car for its MoT, I got an "advisory" about the brake and clutch pedal rubbers which were worn, and starting to reveal the metal beneath. So how can cars with "go-faster" alloy pedals...
Is it possible to make this at home successfully? Anyone got a method? Got mega cravings, and they're costing me a fortune! Also, does choc coated ginger use...
On average, how long does it take from eating something that disagrees with you to having diarrhoea? And why is it that sometimes the result is sickness instead? Thanks
Women can dance, and (most) men cannot. Many men seem to have little or no co-ordination or displays of rhythm. After all, no-one says "dance like your mum". Why is this?
In every edition of Private Eye, there are numerous requests in the small ads for money to help the person out of some kind of crisis. Has anyone ever sent or received any such donations?
Can anyone remember the name of the film (it was on TV recently) with an American sales rep being chased by a psycho in a lorry? Late 60s/early 70's I'd guess, and very scary!
I want to buy a bike. The last one I bought was over 20 years ago and was a 10 speed drop-handlebar machine which I gave away recently. I don't want a racer nor a mountainbike,...
I have just bought an old car, and although it was nicely presnted, it didn't half pong! I have shampooed it, and then sprinkled de-oderising carpet powder in it and vacuumed...
How is it that my (siamese) cat which sleeps for 18 hours a day is so fit on the few occasions that he physically puts himself out? In other words why don't cats need to take exercise to...
Can anyone suggest some shrubs to go in a small north facing front garden, often in shadow, and with heavy clay soil? My friend wants something that will grow fairly tall for privacy...