Has anyone out there installed any solar powered shed lights/ alternative power supplies or anything that would reduce the electricity bills? Many thanks for any inspiration.
First one played games with lack pixels all over the screen. Second one plays ok, but crashes every 10 mins or so. Got fed up of going bacl and forth to HMV to get an exchange (even though the manager...
I have a playstation 2, xbox, and a gamecube. I am wanting a Xbox 360. Do you think i could get enough money for the 360. Or just tell me how much money i can get for all the gaming systems.
just bought an Xbox 360 with Crackdown and Gears of War. Both work fine but gears of war has black pixels all over the screen when I play. All the same setting used for crackdown and that works well....
I have just bought a SNES on ebay, and I know a couple of good games to buy, but can anyone recommend thier all time favourite snes games? I want to compile a list of classic games to buy.
I have owned an X box since they first appeared but now it has given up the ghost. It gives me a message "get it serviced" So, I am thinking of buying an x box 360. I know I will...
Hi A friend's 6 year old son has lost his dog (Nintendogs)whilst on a walk and is devastated! My daughter has the game and this has never happened to her so I can't help. We think he probably...