Just a little fun you understand, so no letch insults... Or is there more to this story since he also dares to fly the Union Flag outside his pub? One reader stated...
Why don't they carry out some back flashers on Emmerdale. Perhaps some of us would know what is going off in this bitter feud between the Dingles and the rich guy and his side-kick. For example who... Yet we are accused of being racist, Far-Right and even worse, if we peacefully... We should inform the French that if any find their way to these shores, that they will be sent...
Man up, you are suppose to be a sportsman, you lost the toss, get over it.... I presume that males working on the tills receive the same pay as the females, so I take it that if any female worked in the warehouse she would receive the...
The other day I read a tip which included pressing the Alt key whilst pressing another key at the same time, but I can't remember what the other key was or what useful operation it carried out, anyone... ' What's it got to do with the 'British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin' anyway, the doctor...
This killing and attack on Muslims has been classed as a terrorist attack, is this to somehow equalise it with the real world wide terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam, so as to appease... Doreen Lawrence seems to think so, but was this a racist comment for a peer of the realm... Apart from the diversity angle what valuable contribution did Ore Oduba make to Britain's...