We have a wireless network with laptops setup for open and WEP enabled in the settings but windows keeps changing it so it forgets the settings. Any ideas on how to stop windows changing the settings?...
Myself and a friend think we have come up with a new way of making renewable energy and have applied for a patent however our problem is finding the money to finance this, we have considered loans etc...
Okay, I know I'll probably be slaughtered for this one, but here goes: Last night on QVC they were raising money for Breast Cancer Care - fabulous, money is needed no problem. But.. what about the...
As of today people have to be 18 before they can smoke (in England, Scotland and Wales). Do you think that this is the right decision by the government? Or is having an age of consent of 16, a driving...
So the boyfriend has set me the task of wiring up the video so I can record Heroes off freeview while he's at work, I've been trying for an hour and it hasn't worked. can anyone explain what I need to...
my husband has worked for the last 10 years he then had an accident at work and to cut a long story short he no longers works for them does anyone know can he now claim a tax refund ???
Hello - I have recently moved house for the first time ever, lived at my parents for well over 20 years. I applied for a current account with the Halifax at my new address in my local branch. I was...
hi, i have noticed there is not a stocks and shares topic anywhere, perhaps if there was one we could discuss tips and advice for people who would like to invest? would personal finance be the right...
Where can I find the cheapest batteries? ebay perhaps? They are the small ones (not extra small) used in standard electricals like remote controls and shavers.
I'm sure I read in the paper yesterday that standard holiday entitlement was being increased from 20 days to 24 days as well as the minimum wage for an adult increasing to ?5.52. Can anyone please...
I think I missed the reply to my query, or perhaps there wasn't one! Is there an insurance policy that doesn't have an excess to pay if there is a claim? Many thanks.
Hi all, I'll be interviewig people throughout today for a small office assistant job. Originally it was going to be my boss interviewing and me just assisting, but my boss decided he wasn't int he...
Has anyone had a dog on vivitonin? I ask because my 13 yr old eng cocker spaniel who has always been a little eccentric has been prescribed it. On saturday morning she began to act very strangely, she...