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What part of marriage makes it legal? Is it that the registrar has to be, ahem, registered? Or is it the actual signing of the marriage licence? I know someone who wants to be married in everything...
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You used to be able to get this at McDonalds. Is there any UK supermarket (or any place) that sells it?
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My young daughter asked me why the chunks of chicken in tinned chicken soup doesn't need to be refrigerated. I don't know can anyone please shed some light? Is it just because it is in a tin a no...
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if you receieved a 2 year suspended sent. and a years probation and anytime within that period you violate the conditions, do you serve the the oringinal sentence ,or do you serve some of it ; say 8...
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My partner has been found guilty of the above charge by a jury.The trial all went in his favour and that was just the prosecution side they felt they didn't even need a defence.So his barrister asked...
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Is there anybody in the known universe that can explain to me what possible iota of sane thinking lies behind the idea that there is any crumb of justice involved when a criminal is found guilty of a...
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My 26 year old son found out yesterday that he is being charged with GBH, section 20. The incedent happened 14 weeks ago after a night out with a friend and he had drunk too much!. He was walking home...
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Hello again! Can anyone tell me if a judge can overturn a jury's decision at the time of sentence?
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I want to apply for a care job so obviously they will need to do a CRB check on me, the thing is i was convicted of deception when i was 21 yrs old (now 42) and worried this will hold me back. I...
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I applied for a job with royal mail, they did a secutity check on me, and now i've got no job. How long does a criminal record last for? (GBH sct. 18, sentenced 3 yrs, served 1yr with 1 yr probation)....
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Is theft a cival or criminal conviction?

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