Answers are either wild or garden flower and still struggling with these two 1) Licensing the kissing of girls and 2)O, my grain!! Many thanks in anticipation
Dare I mither you all for some of these after a busy day??!! If you've had enough just say so...hope not!! Fidelio ban in progress (8) a------- Goldmark relies on tunes (8) ---i---- Not many letters...
17 dn Midge squashed by nurse - not likely to lose job (7) T?N?R?? 25 ac Beast could be something on ring led by man (6) ??N?E? The last letter of 17 is the first letter of 25.
my questions are musical instruments:- has 7 letters-- Put in among red wine. " 6 " -- Tree in the street. " 4 " -- Honour about duck. " 9 " -- A cross work shone around. Which popular song does this...
Assemblage of ropes and pulleys used to left heavy weights. Ancient Roman name for Scotland English novelist and playwright who won the 1932 Nobel Prize for literature. Written or printed copy of a...
Keats' ode (7) The answer is a name of a bird, I know it should be nightingale but it says 7 letters and I have used nightingale already. Thanks for any help