Even though I’m not a foodie - I eat because I’d die if I didn’t - there are some things - simple things - that have impressed me enormously. The tap water in Iceland….the wonderfully warmed brandy in...
Large amounts off gold Need sponsor one person who can sponsorship deal on large amounts off Syrian gold bars ex military guy genuine thrusted need buiesnies guy splitting this 50/50% do NOT contact...
Mam used to mend torn clothes with a product which was a sort of cloth with an adhesive side. She would cut off a bit that was big enough to cover the tear and then press it with a hot iron so that it...
The Co op have just sent me this recipe Fry a small onion till soft, add a little balsamic vinegar and brown sugar. Grate some cheese. Spread butter on the outside of a hot cross bun then put the...
Just heard Honor Blackman,aged 94 years died in her home in Lewes of natural causes unrelated to covid-19. I met her when she lived in Castlenau Barnes, W.London when she invited me into her house to...
to the religious.... So whats it all about? Retribution, judgment, what? End times (again) maybe? A plague from God? A precursor of the Anti-Christ? Serious question, what the **** is this all about...
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/06/bronx-zoo-tiger-tests-positive-for-coronavirus Tigers in a New York zoo have the coronavirus. What next? The fish in the sea? The birds in the air? Few...
Waits all this time to be elected leader and it is buried under the Coronavirus pandemic! Hasn't taken him long though to forget his 'support' for the government and start having a go at them. Wonder...
I use Google Chrome to access my Gmail accounts, and every four or five days it stops working - I click the icon and nothing happens. If I uninstall and reinstall it picks everything up and carries on...
How can a phone mast have any bearing on the spread of a virus? Morons are out there believing all this pony. Un-effing-believable!...
Can I re use plastic recyclable shopping bags from Ocado or are they spreading the coronavirus.... if so should I wash them first or just leave them in the garden on a windy day?? Serious answers...
There are positives. It is NOT all stockpiling toilet paper, and dying on trollies in NHS mis managed hospitals whilst nurse angels tend to you, and mass burial pits in the streets just waiting for...
Let's collect votes for ABer of the week.
All friendly and no factions.
My vote, for his intelligence and coded language and sheer entertainment goes to :- PETER PEDANT....
Magnesium Sulphate Powder, comprising of magnesium, sulphur and oxygen, is considered as vital for plants growth and to replenish the deficiency of magnesium or sulfur in the soil. These are widely...
Hi All, Can anyone help with the dilution rate of household bleach and cold water to make disinfectant please. It appears that everyone on google assumes that bleach contains 5% or %.25% of sodium...