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Another DIY SOS.....Trying to catch these when I can now and the ones I have watched have made me quite tearful.... Imagine being in hospital for five years because your family home can't accommodate...
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I am in 1 room with 4 children in a hostel. We have bed bugs and it was treated by pest control on Friday. I was not moved out of the room and Saturday morning I had to call an Ambulance because my...
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anotheoldgit /// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of...
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Did any of you watch the 1969 moon landing live (as it was happening) on TV & what are your memories? I watched with my two-year old on my lap. I wanted him to be able to say that he saw it while it...
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Is there any way myself and my husband can "give" our house to our two sons while we are still alive? TIA...
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[ in CB for visibility ] Hello Chaps I may need to transfer around 10,000€ as a holding deposit on a property in Ireland - obviously I'm doing all the 'due diligence' about account references and...
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anotheoldgit /// Piers went on to question Kehinde exactly why he chose to...
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wow... this err woman has some front, hates everything western except freebies or tax payer funded social housing and benefits..if she were not born here id deport her and her clan....
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can anybody tell me what 75gms of raw rice will weigh after it is boiled, thanks in anticipation....
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Good grief that was awful. I knew she would be irritating having watched her cringe worthy interviews pre Dr. Who but....? tonight's episode should have stunned, should have been yeh this is a good...
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I will admit i'm a user of kitchen roll for many situations. One is when the wishing up bowl over flows when i put a large item in it and to save the cupboard and floor from soapy water.. Another...
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My d in law wants out from 7 yr marriage plus 10 years living together. My son became house husband a year ago dropping 2 days work a week to care for their newly adopted child. D in law in good job....
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Which colour walls would go nice with orange accessories...
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'Matereialistic' science has given us better health care...vaccines, eradication of certain diseases, anasthetics, anibiotics, pharmaceuticals, etc. Its given us instant communication with others via...
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What s the difference between a casserole and a stew?
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Me ... "Will you get me bottle of wine?" Him ... "No, its Thursday night." Me ... "I haven't got work in the morning. Him ... "Don't care, it's still Thursday." Me ... "I'll do you a sexual favour."...
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...I will mostly be having chilli which, amongst other things, will contain quorn and chocolate.
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I went to reply to your joke but the answer box has vanished .I thought it was very funny xx
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deep joy, my laptop spent seven hours yesterday downloading the new feature update version 1809, i wouldn't mind if there was anything new in it that i would find useful...
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What a picture of misery. It's p-ing it down with rain here and he's sitting by the door staring at me, wanting me to take him out even though it's only just 2 hours since his last walk. I've opened...

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