10a Practise wrestling without one? It's impossible. T?i?e?s. I thought it would be an anagram of practse but it seems it must be an anagram of prctise as all that will fit is triceps. But where does...
Insurer X sends renewal notice advising premium will be £650 -this includes proof of 8 years NCB. I go on price comparison website and insurer X comes up with £450 (prices range from...
5a Many columns are so openly regarded disregarded nonetheless. Answer has been given more than more as fluted but I just can't see the wordplay. 2d Old song retains appeal for non professionals....
Have you ever been caught by one of these cameras ? I've just come through a section of the M11/M25 with signs warning of 'Average Speed Cameras' and been passed by many vehicles cruising at well over...
As the FT crossword is by Cinephile=Araucaria who I can't be bothered with,I thought I'd try the Guardian. Lots of clues have "artist" in them so before I spend time in it, are the answers,...
1a The trouble about a Spaniard is he puts pleasure before work. I thought the answer was "hedonist" being he don is t (the trouble =anagram of the, a Spaniard is Don +is). However that...
Stuck on the following: 3d- Miss Tandy's last to see film director (5) - L?S?Y 5d - Colour of honey, mostly, on slice of toast (5) - ??V?T 24d - Motorists' group keeps gear for dog (5) - A?I?A All...
3d Court order could be received about 4. Answer has been given as "decree" . The answer to 4 is clothier but I just can't see how you get decree. 17a The right way to go about fungal...
22a This Oz boiler and ute could be ineluctably linked. Ans is billycan (=something you'd use to boil water in Australia). Having looked up ute to find out that it is an Australian name for a utility...
8d River's swirling current engulfs minute animal . Ans must be timber wolf from the other letters but just can't see why. Could be the river tiber with m for minute to get timber but where does wolf...
I'd be grateful for an explanation of these answers. 10a Cross game opponents , packing punch, being aggressive. Ans belligerent 14a Bound to have faith,say. Ans Trussed I have probably spend more...
iv read alot on the internet on body swapping through the use of magic (black magic and voodoo). Des anyone no if this is actually possible (as mad as it sounds). Occult practicse has been around for...