We are living on land which was given to us in oct 2005 by my parents my brother also has land he has built on but his was legally signed to him , we have never had a written document but have...
Do the claimant and their witnesses have to appear in person at a county court trial? I am the self representing defendant in such a trial but do not know whether there is a requirement for the...
Hubby has had a summons to court. After we correspondd with the camera police stating stat we did not know who was driving the co. van at the time & they could not prove this by photo. The camera...
If I have POA for someone and am also named as chief beneficiary in their Will, can they be bullied by someone to change their Will, or would it be invalid if I (as acting on their behalf) was not...
My stepfather died and has left my mother only a quarter of house etc his 3 sons get same shares. He told my mother the house was to be hers.( they were married 25 years). He has also stipulated when...
A friend's daughter has recently been denied a place at her first choice school despite sitting the entrance exam and passing. The school's policy is that even though the exam was passed the places go...
please take the time to read the response on this thread by zimzam (not zigzag i hasten to add as they do not get this nasty) , appalling , the ed has an uphill task with that looney tune...
Is there a way of cleaning copper without using brasso or duraglit? I seem to think that there is a way with foil and baking powder or something like that. Or is that just for silver? Does anyone know...
I've recently become sole beneficiary in a Will. Probate has been granted to me already but now the Will is being contested and legal proceedings are ongoing. In the will I inherited a property which...
hi can anyone give me a bit of advice! Last november a car stopped suddenley in the middle if the road in front of me, I stopped with a good distance in between. Before i knew what was happening the...
We are about to sell a second property where my now deceased mother in law used to live which we bought some 20yrs ago. I have been told we may be exempt from cgt. if not how do we work out what we...
My ex hub and I separated 3 years ago. We're both in new relationships and very friendly as we have a daughter to consider. I'm basically looking for the cheapest means of divorce. I know there are...
any one know how to get round this? i thought perhaps if my dad wrote in the will, that everything goes to my wife under the proviso that she shares everything equally with the 3 children, within a...
Asked a few questions recently relating to my son and an assault on him just need to ask more. My son was attacked last June the offender has pleaded guilty to battery sentencing is today meanwhile...
Does a solicitor engaged to draw up a document granting Power of Attorney have any right to examine the Will of the donor (the said solicitor having had no part in drawing up the Will)?
My 16 year old son was beaten up last June and we eventually got to court last week the 2 brothers that did it were both charged with battery and initially pleaded not guilty however on the day of the...
I stopped texting a friend, for no reason really. I've been feeling down lately and just couldn't be bothered. Thing is she's coming to visit me. Other than tell her my phone was broke/lost what other...