My manual, clock type, central heating timer has broken again any I was thinking of replacing it with one that would let me turn the heating on/off if I was away from home. Has anyone any tips for me...
Hi AB ers. I am hoping someone out there can answer what, on the face of it is a simple query. When making an application to try and get a 'council house', would one be barred from such an application...
Merry xmas and happy new year to ever one when it comes. Can any one please help me a private rental upstairs flat caused water damage to my kitchen at a cost of £2000.The cause of the leak is unknown...
Last night on BBC 2 was a really lovely programme hosted By Luke Evans .One hour of pure bliss .Such a change from so much rubbish on TV lately. Example Waggerthy. Luke Evans has wonderful voice and...
I've changed my car and now have one that offers no spare tyre; just a bottle of stuff to squirt in the valve if I need it. I know this is quite common now but having hit a random object on a motorway...
I have just received a letter telling me that I owe a parking charge. This was for parking in a car park using my Blue Badge. I have used before my Blue Badge in this car park before but am now...
Morning. Anyone know how the drama Viewpoint ended. About a missing primary starred Noel Clarke but the final episode got pulled because of the sexual harassment charges levelled against...
What is the difference between data and making a call. I tried to make a call but was told I had no credit yet appear to still have data. If i do not top up will it affect incoming calls and texts.
I'm going for an interview for a workwear Operative but worried as some of it I haven't got experience. Duties Heat seal of garments with logos in pre-set positions through the heat seal machines...
This was on BBC2 this week and it's a long time since I have seen it so I watched it thinking it would be dated and rubbish but (don't laugh) I really enjoyed it. Thought they might show the second...
I am a recent convert to smart phones but have recently found advantages in owning one. I have a Tesco pay as you go and I cannot understand or find any information on the following data usage...
Sister paid by Nationwide the entire funds of my father's estate, she used a false address in this country where she had never lived, but actually lives abroad, I know not where. The debts,...
When I press the power button it makes a whirring noise for a minute and the Lenovo sign comes on the screen then all is normal but now when I press the button it whirs for a second then stops and...
I would be very grateful if anyone can tell me which generation my kindle is.It has buttons on the left and right to turn pages.At the bottom it has 4 round buttons, in between them is a square button...
Hi a friend is in financial difficulty and is looking into renting one of the room out for a lodger. But because of the energy crisis, could the lodger share the energy bills with the home owner? And...