Hi my name is Bart and I come from Poland. I would like to buy a house/flat in the UK, but without a number of professionals willing to extort money (like estet agents for instance). In my country it...
My name is Bart and I come from Poland. I have an English friend (29 years old) who stooped so much that his backbone is in the shape of the letter S.I wish I could help him, but the thing is that I...
Sorry guys I am a bit thick I still do not get it: Then there's problem that he has never liked any of my friends, not that I have many. I do not get this phrase not that. Could you rephrase the...
The bush could be quite high, has green leaves, and little flowers clustered in the shape of a grape but upwards, the flowers come in violet or white, when in bloom they have a very sweet fragrance....
I would like to apply for a council flat in Wandsworth, London. I come from Denmark and normally in my home country I would go to a company that owns the flats. Is it different in England?How...