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What's your opinion on the following thread ,please
3 Bed Semi Clean guttering on main roof and on bay windows Alter drain pipes on one side of house upstairs and downstairs to allow bay windows to fully open Replace all union joins on guttering £380...
While at a hospital earlier today ,there was soul type music bring pumped through from a station ,for the entirety of the time i was there . There was also music from groups like ,'earth wind and fire...
Who in your opinion is/was the best Narrator of a documentary ?
For me it's got to be Laurence Olivier .
His narration of 'The World At War' is simply brilliant...
Congrats to the winner
However was it just me - but i couldn't hear the double bass properly for a large part of his performance .
It was 'drowned ' out by the piano .
Anyone agree ?...
I have been having this recurring dream for a while . Sometimes I don't have it for quite a while then it comes back again Basically my first car I owned has been at a repairer for a long long time ....
In American TV series / films people go to the grocery store and leave with brown bags full of stuff , which they often struggle to carry So why don't they have handles on the bags , which would make...
Joe Lycett ( never heard of him before ) says he is going to burn 10k of his cash if David Beckham does not witthdraw from doing the advertising campaign for the Qutar government for the football...
Watched the programme on sky Arts yesterday . How sad I felt for Karen , with her personal life , trying to cope with her eating disorder Such a brilliant singer . Unique powerful voice , yet...
My next door neighbour has a clock that is chiming 5 minutes after the hour / half hour
Shall I go and tell him to correct it or I'll let the tyres down on his shopping trolley ?...