Car oddometer reading display not working Would that invalidate the insurance cover ? Work from home - car used mainly on weekends Estimated mileage - 25 miles per week . Up to 6k per year declared on...
I sent my girlfriend out to buy a pint of milk .
It's been almost two weeks now, and she has not returned yet .
I'm getting very worried now that the milk has gone off...
The GOV website says inform the DVLA if - //your medication causes side effects which could affect your driving // Does that mean side effects which you personally experience ? OR side effects that...
I notice that the supermarket where we shop have stopped putting dates on fruit packing Packet of grapes bought were mouldy - we didn't notice it at the time . Anyone else noticed this at the...
Looking out the window , just saw a parcel delivery guy ( white van no logo - comes on the road often ) pulled up outside house over the road . Gets a parcel out - goes to the house - Knocks on door -...
Got my first 9 letter ( for a while I think ) at least I can't recall getting one before FORENSICS It was leaping out of the screen Surprised the contestants didn't see it . I shall now celebrate with...
A camelid is at the checkout in a supermarket putting his shopping away , from the conveyor belt A friendly store employee asks him - '' Would you like some assistance with your shopping sir ? ''...
Watched a bit of the programme tonight . Didn't realise that they have their own testers , who are given free products to review which are on their website Would you trust a review of a tester who did...