Hey ho everyone!! I haven't been on for a while - but I'm back!!! Can anyone fill me in on whats been happening - name changes, arguments, russians etc so I can join in the festive fun! Cheers A xXx
Hello I recently bought a tamagotchi version 3 and my brother has got one aswell. We keep connecting them and we want them to have tamababies but they won't fall in love!! Apparently they should all...
Am I alone in looking with anticipation at the annual Xmas lectures shown on TV? I always seem to gain further knowledge than I had previously. This years subject is Maths, my favourite topic, and I...
I lost my drivers license w/photo identification on vacation. I do not have my passport with me. I have to fly home. What can I get to replace my photo id or passport that will be accepted by the...
ive jst bought a new top, wore it out and it needs a wash however its silky and decided to handwash it but read the instructions and it says 'professional dry clean only' is there anyway i can just...
What is the name and artist of the song on the current DFS advert (december 2006) it doesnt have the lyrics only the trumpet part. but the lyrics are something like.. " I've seen you...
I would like to work in fashion, either as a stylist or buyer.. I have no qualifications or relevant experience other than a very keen interest in fashion and 6 years experience in nightclub...
Hu guys - not been on here for a while what with moving house etc.Anyway,to cut a long story short,I arranged the most wonderful present for my boyfriend for Xmas.I flew him to Manchester to see Man...
we have been asked to pay back an o/payment of 500 plus for yr 2004/05.I recall reading in national newspaper that you wont have to from april. Can anyone help?