From one who objects to being forced to pay a direct tax in order to watch that box in the corner - irrespective of how much BBC content i view ... ..... Message to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph...
At least this politician is up front , with his electorate . Turn to page 14 - under the heading '' and finally ... ''
Now that ( after 33 years ) the Sri Lankan governrnent forces have defeated the Tamil tigers - Do you consider that other governments fighting other ' terriosts' groups will see this as a reason not...
I remember someone asking the question ( on the radio/television - i think ) - '' is there a limit as to the height to which a skyscraper can be built ? The answer was given in the form of a question...
Number one - '' captain , there is a bloke in a car alongside, trying to flag us down '' Captain - '' Well , I'm not stopping now , i'll miss my slot - he should have made sure he checked in on time...
I dont quite understand this story - do you ? She really couldn't find a packet of bird's Instant Custard ? Where was she looking for it - in DIY stores , or something ?...
List three things in order of preference that you would love to see leap from the world of science fiction , into science fact . Mine are ( may be subject to change ) 3. Being able to read people's...
I have observed over the last months condemnation of some on here ( and by tory politicians ) of Labour party politicians expenses claims ; suggesting that's one of the reasons we now need a tory...
I bought a microwave oven recently . I have noticed that on the inside of the glass ( athough it doesn't sound like glass when you tap it ) of the door , there are a number of little ' bumps' for want...
Nice to see that no expense is being spared ( on behalf of the tax payer ) in ensuring that this young lady is well rounded , when it comes to life out there , in the big bad world . It does say ?...
I'm parking this question here , given that there isn't a language section Why do some people when they are speaking , state something , with an inflection in their voice ; which makes it sound as if...
Some of the citizens of Lichfield are up in arms over plans being put forward by the Muslim community there, to build a mosque near the Cathedral . Apparently over 2000 signatures against the idea...
I've become hooked on this television series - if nothing else just to hear the accents of the fishermen . Does anyone else admire their courage in doing the job they do , in this society of ours , in...