We have a topic going for annoying adverts, so lets have one about adverts that we like. I quite like the Halifax adverts, they're always interesting...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104822 9/Gongs-golden-stars-Hoy-set-knighted-Brown-sa ys-nation-wants-athletes-honoured.html Scroll down to the photo of Rebecca Adlington photo. How dare she...
I see they have had another succesfull day ( apart from dropping the batton in the relay ) , wouldn't you agree ? I say though - hasn't Gaby Yorath been looking tasty every time she is on ? ( dont...
Downing Street has issued a tongue-in-cheek response to an e-petition. In April the website received a petition calling for Jeremy Clarkson to be made prime minister. Downing Street always posts...
I see that Kerry Katona has been made bankrupt because she couldn't come up with 82 grand that she owed the tax man, why couldn't she have sold some of the expensive cars she's got, she surely doesn't...
I find this very disturbing because I hate flying. Do you think they had quick deaths or slow lingering burning ones? It just reinforces my fear of flying. I really feel for the everyone involved. I...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104442 3/I-feel-sympathy-Barry-George-Colin-Stagg-hit s-awarded-700-000-lottery-payout.html Should Stagg have received such a large compensation sum? Although...
Five years ago the US and Britain went into Iraq If I recall correctly, an estimated 1 million people took to the streets of London to vent their anger . We have now another 'Superpower' riding rough...
Hello to all (and KABY) Just thought id let everyone know how i got on with my trip to USA with a criminal record.... Was bricking it on the day we was flying to Sanford Airport. But all was good got...
Hi all, I have an ordinary-type PC, but the Advent keyboard has a `Print Screen` key. Why doesn`t it work? I`m told that this key works on Office standard computers but not on desk top types. My point...
Not a man made phenomenon shocker! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2496902/Lord-N elson-and-Captain-Cooks-shiplogs-question-clim ate-change-theories.html It's the Telegraph people, must be true! Will...
...why the BBC, for the last week, has been devoting an inordinate amount of time in its news bulletins to the Olympics, which do not start until Thursday? I have just watched the one o'clock "news"....
Sion Jenkins {Billie Jo Jenkins Foster Father} on GMTV this morning talking about his wrongful imprisonment etc, and he says he has been talking to Barry George both. victims of miscarriage of...
It seems the US are still no nearer tor finding Osama Bin Laden after all this time. The ex-CIA man seems to be as elusive as Radovan Karadzic was. Now captured, Radovan Karadzic is claiming that the...